Things that help with learning SLEIGH

  1. Turn on p-code in Ghidra UI

    1. Click Edit the listing fields button in the upper right of the Listings window.

      • (it looks like a stack of misaligned stacked white boxes with a single yellow box in the center and an arrow pointing up under the stack. Or fifth from the right starting from the listings window's 'X'[close window])

    2. Right Click on p-code field

    3. Click Enable Field

    4. Now you can see the p-code for each operation!

  2. Bind the script to a key to reload .slaspec changes

    1. Window -> Script Manager

    2. Filter on "ReloadSleighLangauge"

    3. Right Click and then Click Assign Key Binding

    4. Enter a key combination that you get to make up!

    5. Click Ok

  3. Use the

    • Format: <label> 0x<addr> l | f

    • eg.

      • egVal 0x0125 l

      • codeStart 0xCEFF f

    • l is normal label

    • f is function

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